§ 41-6a-1115. Motor assisted scooters -- Conflicting provisions -- Restrictions -- Penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a motor assisted scooter is subject to the provisions under this chapter for a bicycle, moped, or a motor-driven cycle.
    (b) For a person operating a motor assisted scooter, the following provisions do not apply:
    (i) seating positions under Section 41-6a-1501;
    (ii) required lights, horns, and mirrors under Section 41-6a-1506;
    (iii) entitlement to full use of a lane under Subsection 41-6a-1502(1); and
    (iv) driver licensing requirements under Section 53-3-202.
    (2) A person under 15 years of age may not operate a motor assisted scooter using the motor unless the person is under the direct supervision of the person's parent or guardian.
    (3) A person under eight years of age may not operate a motor assisted scooter with the motor running on any public property, highway, path, or sidewalk.
    (4) A person may not operate a motor assisted scooter:
    (a) in a public parking structure;
    (b) on public property posted as an area prohibiting skateboards;
    (c) on a highway consisting of a total of four or more lanes designated for regular vehicular traffic;
    (d) on a highway with a posted speed limit greater than 25 miles per hour;
    (e) while carrying more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed; or
    (f) that has been structurally or mechanically altered from the original manufacturer's design.
    (5) Except where posted or prohibited by local ordinance, a motor assisted scooter is considered a nonmotorized vehicle if it is being used with the motor turned off.
    (6) An owner may not authorize or knowingly permit a person to operate a motor assisted scooter in violation of this section.
    (7) A person who violates this section is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
Amended by Chapter 322, 2007 General Session